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Re: Hogwarts Express
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 22:20:44 GMT
743 times
In, Richie Dulin writes:
I received a 4708 Hogwarts Express for Christmas. Yippee! Now to convert it
to 4.5V (I'm going to build a powered tender...)

It contained the usual spare copies of 1x1 round plates (clear and black),
but the situation for 1x1 tiles was different - you usually get a spare of
each sort of printed 1x1 tile - I got a spare 1x1 tile with the '1' print,
but instead of a 1x1 tile with '2' print, I received a spare 1x1 yellow tile
with no printing. Strange.

You received a cheese slice.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Hogwarts Express
(...) That's odd: I thought the included rat would have got that.... Richie (22 years ago, 27-Dec-02, to

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  Hogwarts Express
I received a 4708 Hogwarts Express for Christmas. Yippee! Now to convert it to 4.5V (I'm going to build a powered tender...) It contained the usual spare copies of 1x1 round plates (clear and black), but the situation for 1x1 tiles was different - (...) (22 years ago, 27-Dec-02, to, lugnet.harrypotter)

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