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  sales april 29-
No Lego in the Walmart flyer this week. ----- Superstore is having a Tax free day on Saturday April 30th. ----- TRU flyer (April 29-May 5) has a bunch of LEGO at full price. Get a free Captain America motorcycle polybag with the purchase of $25 or (...) (9 years ago, 28-Apr-16, to
  No LEGO sales this week
No LEGO in the Superstore or Walmart flyers this week. Some LEGO mentioned in the TRU flyer this week, but none of it is on sale. ----- The big build continues at the Discovery Centre in Halifax. Gail Meagher (9 years ago, 21-Apr-16, to
  Sale at TRU
No LEGO in the Walmart or Superstore flyers this week. ----- TRU flyer good from today through next Thursday. Get a LEGO City Prison Island Helicopter polybag when you spend $25 or more on any LEGO building sets. Usual fine print. 20% off Star Wars (...) (9 years ago, 16-Apr-16, to
  Re: LEGO themed fundraiser at Discovery Centre
Check out the Discovery Centre's twitter feed for in progress pictures: If you want to help build, but don't want to pay the admission fee for the Discovery Centre, you can buy a 'tile' or tiles (a 6x6 plate plus the 36 1x1 plates with instructions) (...) (9 years ago, 7-Apr-16, to, FTX)
  no sales
No LEGO in the Walmart or Superstore Flyers this week. TRU 10 day flyer from last week didn't have any LEGO in it. This week's flyer (April 8-14) has some full price Star Wars LEGO mentioned, but nothing on sale. S@H still has $10 off the $25 and (...) (9 years ago, 7-Apr-16, to
  post Easter lull in sales
No LEGO in Superstore flyer this week. Walmart Flyer has full price LEGO. ----- TRU has a 10 day flyer, good April 1-10. No LEGO (even at full price) in the flyer, but they do have a LEGO Minifigure Trade in event on Saturday April 2. "Bring in any (...) (9 years ago, 1-Apr-16, to
  LEGO themed fundraiser at Discovery Centre
(URL) Discovery Centre is bringing in (URL) Robin Sather> (who helped me get in on the find of the decade back in the mid 90s) to help build Canada’s largest LEGO® Mosaic Wall. All proceeds from this event will go towards the New Discovery Centre (...) (9 years ago, 25-Mar-16, to, FTX)
  not much in sales
Happy Easter. Walmart flyer has a bunch of LEGO in it, but it is all at full Walmart price (a few cents less than MSRP). No LEGO at Superstore. They did offer me points on toys this week on my PC plus card though :). The TRU flyer from last week is (...) (9 years ago, 25-Mar-16, to
  sales Saint Patricks Day on
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Walmart flyer, good Friday 18 through Thursday 24, has a bunch of LEGO in it, but it is all full Walmart price. ----- Superstore is having a tax free day on Saturday March 19. Only some stores have a toy department. ----- (...) (9 years ago, 17-Mar-16, to
  double VIP points, TRU sale
Nothing in the Walmart or Superstore flyers this week. ----- TRU flyer is good from Friday March 11 through Thursday March 17. "1/2 price on these LEGO building sets" (not half price, but 1/2 off the jacked up TRU price on sets that S@H is sold out (...) (9 years ago, 10-Mar-16, to

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