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  Canadian flyers Sept 24-
No LEGO in Canadian Tire or Superstore flyers. The LEGO Dimensions Gameis out Sun Sept 27. Everyone seems to have it for $109.99 ------ Walmart flyer has a bunch of LEGO sets, but all at full Walmart price. Still no sign of Monster collectible figs (...) (9 years ago, 24-Sep-15, to
  Re: sales Sept 17-
Costco has a couple of more sets in store. 60035 Arctic outpost and 60075 Excavator and Truck for $42.99 each (S@H $59.99). They also have the large storage bins that look like 2x4 bricks for $29.99 in red, blue and yellow. They look cool, but don't (...) (9 years ago, 22-Sep-15, to
  sales Sept 17-
No LEGO in the Superstore or Canadian Tire flyers this week. ----- The Walmart anniversary flyer is good Thursday Sept 17 through Wednesday Sept 23. The LEGO Movie dvd $7.88. Often they have a special LEGO set (bucket) for the anniversary, but not (...) (9 years ago, 17-Sep-15, to
  Sales sept 11-
Nothing in the Walmart, Canadian Tire or Superstore flyers this week. ---- Indigo / Chapters / Coles has a get 10x the plum points on a purchase of $30 or more through Sunday 13th. Only can be used once. They have the Monsters collectible figs (...) (9 years ago, 12-Sep-15, to
  Re: LEGO sales Sept 4-
(...) The toy department is really small at Joe Howe store, but over half the dozen or so sets are reduced in price, plus no tax. They are about 1/3 off prices that are slightly over MFSR. Sale prices on a couple of sets (not counting tax free): (...) (9 years ago, 5-Sep-15, to

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