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  LEGO sales Sept 4-
No LEGO in the Canadian Tire or Wal-mart flyers this week. ----- TRU flyer good Friday Sept 4 through Thursday Sept 17. A bunch of LEGO at full TRU price. They do mention the Big Bang set, as well as the latest collectible minifigs (Monsters). ----- (...) (9 years ago, 3-Sep-15, to
  Late August sales?
No LEGO in the Walmart, Superstore or Canadian Tire flyers. Canadian Tire does have some containers on sale. Save up to 30% on Mastercraft parts organizers and bins sale $6.99-$27.99 (reg $9.99-$39.99). This includes the cabinets with little drawers (...) (9 years ago, 28-Aug-15, to
  School supplies?
No LEGO in the Superstore of Canadian Tire flyers this week. The TRU flyer only has full TRU price LEGO mentioned. ---- The Walmart flyer (Thurs 20 through Wed 26) doesn't have any LEGO building sets mentioned. They do have some LEGO branded school (...) (9 years ago, 21-Aug-15, to
  almost nothing in flyers
Too much back to school stuff I guess. No LEGO in Superstore, Walmart or Canadian Tire flyers this week. ------ TRU flyer food from Friday Aug 14 through Thursday August 20. Shows a bunch of LEO at full TRU price. Get a City Go-Cart Racer set (value (...) (9 years ago, 15-Aug-15, to
  Costco has some LEGO
No LEGO in the Walmart, Superstore, or Canadian Tire flyers this week. TRU has a babies are us flyer (no DUPLO), but no regular flyer. ------- I've only recently gained access to Costco. I don't know if they have similar stock across the country, (...) (9 years ago, 8-Aug-15, to

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