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  sales - including May the 4th
No LEGO in the Canadian Tire flyer. Walmart flyer this week has full price avengers sets in it. ---- Superstore is having a tax free day on Saturday May 2nd only. As our tax is 15%, that is about the best deal on friends sets I've found. ----- TRU (...) (10 years ago, 30-Apr-15, to
  Rail Safety event with LEGO display Saturday May 2 at VIA station in Halifax
With all the snow days, schools are not doing field trips this year, so VIA moved their Rail Safety Week to Saturday this year, from the normal weekday. Should be bigger and better. I'll be there with a LEGO train layout, there will be other (...) (10 years ago, 24-Apr-15, to,
  LEGO sales April 24 -
No LEGO in the Canadian Tire or Superstore flyers this week. The Walmart flyer has a bunch of Star Wars LEGO in it, but all at full Walmart price (13 cents below MFSR). ----- TRU flyer good Friday May 24 through Thursday May 30. 20% off all LEGO (...) (10 years ago, 24-Apr-15, to
  Brickfete is returning this year to Montreal and Toronto
Hello everyone, Brickfete will be returning to Canada this year with the following dates: • Montreal June 4th - 7th 2015. • Toronto July 2nd - 5th 2015 (2 weeks earlier then normal) Registration is still open, tickets are $60 for the 4 day event, (...) (10 years ago, 21-Apr-15, to
  Monorail Statiion (mostly complete) was Re:
Have a few thoughts for improvement, but the exterior is done-- < <https://farm8.stati...8c0z.jpg>> Again, thanks to Jealous Panda ((URL)) for the printed windows! They're awesome!! Dave K (10 years ago, 21-Apr-15, to,,,, FTX)
  TRU sale
No LEGO in the Walmart, Canadian Tire, or Superstore ads this week. ----- TRU flyer good Friday April 17 through Thursday 23. 40% off select LEGO building sets. Flyer shows 70145 Maula's Ice Mammoth Stomper reg $109.99, now $65.87 70146 Flying (...) (10 years ago, 16-Apr-15, to
  Walmart sale
No LEGO in the Canadian Tire or Superstore ads. Haven't seen if TRU has a flyer this week or not. ---- Walmart flyer good Thursday April 9 through Wednesday April 15. Save $5 on transporter sets, $24.86 was $29.86. Flyer shows City 60043 Prisoner (...) (10 years ago, 9-Apr-15, to
  No New Canadian sales
No LEGO in either the Walmart or Canadian Tire flyers this week. The TRU flyer from last week is good for a few more days. All the Targets in Canada are closing by April 12.n Gail Meagher Halifax (10 years ago, 2-Apr-15, to
  Canadian sales
Canadian Tire has toys. 3 days only, Friday 27 to Sunday 29, save 20% now $39.99. After sale price $49.99. Latest from LEGO City, Super Heroes, and Frozen. Friday March 27 to Thursday April 2, collect 50x Bonus e-CT 'money' on $24.99 LEGO city, (...) (10 years ago, 28-Mar-15, to
y'know you're so rusty for posting to lugnet when... Nice title! Dave K (10 years ago, 27-Mar-15, to,,,, FTX)

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