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  Chapters March BrickBreak
Chapters Indigo Coles, "Save 20% on all LEGO City and all LEGO Classic toys*! While supplies last. Offer valid until March 8th, 2015. *Offer valid from February 28th to March 8th on LEGO City and LEGO Classic at any Chapters, Indigo, Coles, (...) (10 years ago, 1-Mar-15, to
  TRU and Superstore sales
No LEGO in the Walmart Flyer, but they are continuing the clearout of older sets. ----- Atlantic Superstore is having a tax free day Saturday Feb 28 only. Only some stores have LEGO, but those that do may have a decent selection of small to medium (...) (10 years ago, 27-Feb-15, to
  Re: sale Feb 20-26
(...) In addition to these sales, Target is continuing it's Canada clearout. Lego and other toys are 20% off right now. Surprisingly the store I was at in Fergus, ON still had a reasonable amount of stuff on the shelf. (10 years ago, 20-Feb-15, to

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