| | not much in sales
No LEGO in Superstore, Canadian Tire or (Target) flyers this week. ----- Walmart flyer mentions toy clearance. Might include some LEGO. ----- TRU flyer is good Friday Jan 16 through Thursday Jan 29. Select DUPLO sets 20% off. ----- No idea yet on (...) (10 years ago, 16-Jan-15, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | still no sales
No LEGO in Wal-mart, Target, Superstore, Canadian Tire or Sears flyers. Wal-mart and Canadian Tire have lots of plastic storage bins on sale. ----- TRU has a two week flyer (Jan 9 - 22) that mentions they have 2015 LEGO at full TRU price. ----- My (...) (10 years ago, 9-Jan-15, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | New Year, no real sales
No LEGO in the Walmart, Target, Superstore, Sears, or Canadian Tire flyers this week. Canadian Tire and Walmart have a bunch of large plastic bins (useful for storage or transport?) on sale. I was in a Walmart on New Years eve that had six boxes of (...) (10 years ago, 2-Jan-15, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | Re: Exo Suit and Research Institute at TRU
(...) I got a copy of the Research Institute from here and I got one from Mastermind Toys. (10 years ago, 29-Dec-14, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | Re: Boxing week sales
The TRU flyer is good Friday Dec 26th through Friday Jan 2nd. 30% off select LEGO. Chima, Star Wars and DC Super Heroes. Selection varies. While they last. No rainchecks. Save up to 20% on all* LEGO Videogames. *excludes clearance, selection varies. (...) (10 years ago, 26-Dec-14, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | Boxing week sales
A reminder that I am in Nova Scotia, where the stores are closed for both Christmas Say and Boxing Day, opening on the 27th. Adjust the dates for other provinces. ----- Atlantic Superstore flyer good from Saturday 27 through Wednesday 31. The LEGO (...) (10 years ago, 24-Dec-14, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | Exo Suit and Research Institute at TRU
Exo Suit (21109) $44.99 CUUSOO Research Institute (21110) $24.99 Are now in stock at TRU online. Not sure how long they have had them, but I'm very glad to have gotten the chance to pick them up, and thought others might be looking for them as (...) (10 years ago, 19-Dec-14, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | sales Dec 19 - Christmas Eve
Superstore is having tax free days on Friday and Saturday Dec 19 and 20. ----- Sears flyer good Friday Dec 19 through Wednesday Dec 24. Buy One and save 50% on the second item on all toys. Second item must be of equal or lesser value and must (...) (10 years ago, 19-Dec-14, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | Re: Canadian sales starting Friday Dec 12
A couple of more sales to mention. Canadian Tire flyer has some Star Wars LEGO in it, full price. Good Friday 12 through Thursday 18. ----- Sears flyer (Dec 12-18) says save up to 40% on all toys. Mostly online I believe. I was in my local Sears (...) (10 years ago, 12-Dec-14, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | Canadian sales starting Friday Dec 12
No LEGO in the Target flyer this week. Some full price LEGO in the Walmart flyer. ------ Atlantic Superstore is having no tax days on Friday and Saturday, Dec 12 and 13. (best chance to get Friends sets slightly on sale) When I was in a store last (...) (10 years ago, 11-Dec-14, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | PAB wall updates at BrickBuildr
I'd like to thank everyone who updates their local PAB wall inventory on (URL) BrickBuildr.com>. I get a thrill looking at all the bricks available. I don't live anywhere near a LEGO Brand store (about 20 hours by train), but I do know some people (...) (10 years ago, 7-Dec-14, to lugnet.loc.ca, FTX)
| | Canadian sales Dec 4-
No LEGO in the Target flyer. They do have Mega Bloks BOGO 50% off. ----- Sears flyer is good Dec 4 through 11. Save 30% on Mega Bloks Construction toys. Save 20% on all other construction toys. Save up to 40% on selected toys fron the toyshop at (...) (10 years ago, 4-Dec-14, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | BrickFete Ottawa 2014
I went to the show (with no LEGO in tow at all :( ) But I took lots of video (some of which can never be shown in polite company... ever!) Anyways, here's my edited video of the various creations that people brought-- (URL) always, Janey and the (...) (10 years ago, 3-Dec-14, to lugnet.general, lugnet.org.ca.obb, lugnet.loc.ca.on, lugnet.org.ca.rtltoronto, lugnet.org.ca.parlugment)
| | Re: Train and LEGO show at the Dartmouth Sportsplex this weekend
(...) I believe a good time was had by all. I've posted pictures of (URL) layout>, and I took a few pictures of the (URL) NovaLUG display> in the other room. I'd like to thank Janey profusely for the effort she put into including a few Maritimers in (...) (10 years ago, 28-Nov-14, to lugnet.loc.ca.ns, lugnet.loc.ca.ns.hal, FTX)
| | sales starting Nov 27
Nothing in the Sears or Target flyers this week. ----- Best Buyflyer is good Friday Nov 28-Thurs Dec 4. "Save on Top Toy Brands" including LEGO, at BestBuy.ca/Toys. ----- Superstore has no tax days on Friday and Saturday Nov 28 and 29. BOGO 1/2 (...) (10 years ago, 27-Nov-14, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | Train and LEGO show at the Dartmouth Sportsplex this weekend
The annual Train and LEGO show is happening at the Dartmouth Sportsplex this weekend. The Sportsplex is on Wyse Road in Dartmouth, near the Angus L. MacDonald Bridge and the bus loop. Saturday Nov 22 9 am until 4:30 pm. Sunday Nov 23 10 am until 3 (...) (10 years ago, 20-Nov-14, to lugnet.loc.ca.ns, lugnet.loc.ca.ns.hal)
| | Canadian sales starting Nov 21
No LEGO in the Target, Walmart, Sears, or Superstore flyers. I did see four LEGO sets on sale last week at a Sears store. They had toys on tables in the middle of aisles. ------- Canadian Tire flyer good Friday Nov 21 through Thursday Nov 27. Save (...) (10 years ago, 20-Nov-14, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | Re: Canadian sales starting Nov 13.
(...) My local CT store had none of the Star Wars sets in stock, but they did have an assortment of the smaller $25 city sets. Tow Truck, SUV with watercraft, Fire Truck etc. While not LEGO one neat item that I couldn't resist was a Mega Bloks (...) (10 years ago, 14-Nov-14, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | Canadian sales starting Nov 13.
No LEGO in either the Superstore or Wal-Mart flyers this week. ----- Sears Flyer good Thursday Nov 13 through Thursday Nov 20th. Save up to 25% on all toys. Toyshop Sears.ca/Toys Don't know if they have anything instore or not. ----- Target Flyer (...) (10 years ago, 13-Nov-14, to lugnet.loc.ca)
| | Canadian sales Nov 5 - (many a few weeks)
Lots of LEGO in flyers this week. Staples flyer good Nov 5-18 Great selection of New and classic movies From $7. Shows LEGO Hero Factory Movie. ----- Deserres prices in effect until Dec 31, 2014. LEGO Brick City Book $22.99 ----- Walmart flyer good (...) (10 years ago, 6-Nov-14, to lugnet.loc.ca)