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  Train and LEGO show at the Dartmouth Sportsplex this weekend
The annual Train and LEGO show is happening at the Dartmouth Sportsplex this weekend. The Sportsplex is on Wyse Road in Dartmouth, near the Angus L. MacDonald Bridge and the bus loop. Saturday Nov 22 9 am until 4:30 pm. Sunday Nov 23 10 am until 3 (...) (10 years ago, 20-Nov-14, to,
  Canadian sales starting Nov 21
No LEGO in the Target, Walmart, Sears, or Superstore flyers. I did see four LEGO sets on sale last week at a Sears store. They had toys on tables in the middle of aisles. ------- Canadian Tire flyer good Friday Nov 21 through Thursday Nov 27. Save (...) (10 years ago, 20-Nov-14, to
  Re: Canadian sales starting Nov 13.
(...) My local CT store had none of the Star Wars sets in stock, but they did have an assortment of the smaller $25 city sets. Tow Truck, SUV with watercraft, Fire Truck etc. While not LEGO one neat item that I couldn't resist was a Mega Bloks (...) (10 years ago, 14-Nov-14, to
  Canadian sales starting Nov 13.
No LEGO in either the Superstore or Wal-Mart flyers this week. ----- Sears Flyer good Thursday Nov 13 through Thursday Nov 20th. Save up to 25% on all toys. Toyshop Don't know if they have anything instore or not. ----- Target Flyer (...) (10 years ago, 13-Nov-14, to
  Canadian sales Nov 5 - (many a few weeks)
Lots of LEGO in flyers this week. Staples flyer good Nov 5-18 Great selection of New and classic movies From $7. Shows LEGO Hero Factory Movie. ----- Deserres prices in effect until Dec 31, 2014. LEGO Brick City Book $22.99 ----- Walmart flyer good (...) (10 years ago, 6-Nov-14, to
  sales for early November
Nothing too exciting. No LEGO in the Target or Superstore flyers this week. ---...--- The Walmart flyer has some full price LEGO in it. ---...--- Indigo Kids is having a big toy sale, but LEGO sets are excluded. They have 20% off select LEGO kids (...) (10 years ago, 1-Nov-14, to
  Last week of Bricktober
No LEGO in the Wal-mart, target or Superstore flyers this week. ---...--- Last week of Bricktober at TRU this week. Midnight madness sale Oct 24th only. Some stores open until midnight. I think the sale starts at 6 pm. Earn 75 bonus Air Miles if you (...) (10 years ago, 24-Oct-14, to
  Re: Sales from October 16
(...) Includes LEGO Disney Princess sets. The Joe Howe store (Halifax) has 3 of the smaller sets as of earlier today. (...) Get the mini Fire Station with a purchase of $75 or more before taxes. 20% off all Monster Fighters building sets. earn 10x (...) (10 years ago, 17-Oct-14, to
  Sales from October 16
No LEGO in the Walmart Flyer. ---...--- Target flyer good Friday October 17 through Thursday October 23. Flyer shows 8 LEGO sets, all at full price. Four of them are listed as Target exclusives: Chima Cragger's Fire Striker $49.99 Star Wars Now (...) (10 years ago, 16-Oct-14, to
  week two of Bricktober
No LEGO in the Target or Superstore flyers this week. ------- Wal-mart flyer (good through Wed 15th) has something available starting Tuesday 14th. Playstation TV with LEGO Movie Bundle. Includes game voucher and 8 GB memory card. $139.99. ------- (...) (10 years ago, 10-Oct-14, to
  Re: Bricktober starts
(...) I was wrong, sort of. No LEGO in the flyer I saw, but a few deals showing in the online store (and I assume instore). 30 bonus Air Miles reward miles with the purchase of $30+ of Star Wars LEGO 30 bonus Air Miles reward miles with the purchase (...) (10 years ago, 4-Oct-14, to
  Re: Bricktober starts
(...) Plus they have the FREE 40106 elf workshop Christmas set if you buy more than $99 worth of Lego. (10 years ago, 3-Oct-14, to
  Bricktober starts
No LEGO in the Target flyer this week. The superstore flyer has some full price LEGO mentioned in it. The Walmart flyer (Thurs 2 - Wed 8) has these three Star Wars sets for $29.86: 75041 Vulture Droid, 75040 General Grievous' Wheel Bike, and 75048 (...) (10 years ago, 3-Oct-14, to
  sales Sept 26-
No LEGO in the Target flyer this week. Walmart flyer has a multipage toy section with some LEGO, but at full price. ------ Superstore has tax free on Saturday 27 only. When I was at the Joe Howe one yesterday they were expanding the toy section. (...) (10 years ago, 26-Sep-14, to
  Re: Sears Wishbook is out with LEGO
(...) I was going to refute that and then realized I have not been in a Sears store in over a year, maybe two. (10 years ago, 24-Sep-14, to
  Re: Sears Wishbook is out with LEGO
(...) Yes. They still publish a WishBook.... its a shame they no longer stock toys in their department store... :( (10 years ago, 21-Sep-14, to
  TRU sale
Last week's TRU flyer is valid until Sunday Sept 21th. 30 Bonus Air Miles if you spend $30 or more on LEGO Movie, Chima, or Arctic sets. 20% off LEGO electronics 20 Bonus Air Miles if you spend $40 or more on Technic sets free $5 value polybag (...) (10 years ago, 20-Sep-14, to
  Re: Sears Wishbook is out with LEGO
They still publish the WishBook? Wow, I remember as a kid when we looked forward to getting it and seeing all the new LEGO sets. (10 years ago, 19-Sep-14, to
  Sears Wishbook is out with LEGO
No LEGO in either the Walmart or Target flyers this week. ------ The Sears Wishbook is out with a fair amount of LEGO in it. Only a couple of set numbers are shown (small print or not shown) but the piece counts are accurate. city: Helicopter (...) (10 years ago, 18-Sep-14, to
  sales from September 12th
No LEGO in either the Target or Wal-mart flyers this week. -------- Superstore flyer runs Thursday September 11 through Wednesday 17. Shows City LEGO $8.99-$24.99, but I think that might be regular price. 5,000 points for every $40 you spend on (...) (10 years ago, 11-Sep-14, to

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