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  Re: Bricktober starts
(...) I was wrong, sort of. No LEGO in the flyer I saw, but a few deals showing in the online store (and I assume instore). 30 bonus Air Miles reward miles with the purchase of $30+ of Star Wars LEGO 30 bonus Air Miles reward miles with the purchase (...) (10 years ago, 4-Oct-14, to
  Re: Bricktober starts
(...) Plus they have the FREE 40106 elf workshop Christmas set if you buy more than $99 worth of Lego. (10 years ago, 3-Oct-14, to
  Bricktober starts
No LEGO in the Target flyer this week. The superstore flyer has some full price LEGO mentioned in it. The Walmart flyer (Thurs 2 - Wed 8) has these three Star Wars sets for $29.86: 75041 Vulture Droid, 75040 General Grievous' Wheel Bike, and 75048 (...) (10 years ago, 3-Oct-14, to
  sales Sept 26-
No LEGO in the Target flyer this week. Walmart flyer has a multipage toy section with some LEGO, but at full price. ------ Superstore has tax free on Saturday 27 only. When I was at the Joe Howe one yesterday they were expanding the toy section. (...) (10 years ago, 26-Sep-14, to
  Re: Sears Wishbook is out with LEGO
(...) I was going to refute that and then realized I have not been in a Sears store in over a year, maybe two. (10 years ago, 24-Sep-14, to
  Re: Sears Wishbook is out with LEGO
(...) Yes. They still publish a WishBook.... its a shame they no longer stock toys in their department store... :( (10 years ago, 21-Sep-14, to
  TRU sale
Last week's TRU flyer is valid until Sunday Sept 21th. 30 Bonus Air Miles if you spend $30 or more on LEGO Movie, Chima, or Arctic sets. 20% off LEGO electronics 20 Bonus Air Miles if you spend $40 or more on Technic sets free $5 value polybag (...) (10 years ago, 20-Sep-14, to
  Re: Sears Wishbook is out with LEGO
They still publish the WishBook? Wow, I remember as a kid when we looked forward to getting it and seeing all the new LEGO sets. (10 years ago, 19-Sep-14, to
  Sears Wishbook is out with LEGO
No LEGO in either the Walmart or Target flyers this week. ------ The Sears Wishbook is out with a fair amount of LEGO in it. Only a couple of set numbers are shown (small print or not shown) but the piece counts are accurate. city: Helicopter (...) (10 years ago, 18-Sep-14, to
  sales from September 12th
No LEGO in either the Target or Wal-mart flyers this week. -------- Superstore flyer runs Thursday September 11 through Wednesday 17. Shows City LEGO $8.99-$24.99, but I think that might be regular price. 5,000 points for every $40 you spend on (...) (10 years ago, 11-Sep-14, to

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