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Re: Newswatch: Fifth Legoland Park in Kansas City area in 2009
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.legoland
Fri, 28 Apr 2006 18:18:37 GMT
8078 times
(crossposting to .legoland)

In lugnet.announce, Mark Chan wrote:

Tourism experts say a Legoland theme park would have the name recognition and
reputation to bring visitors to the Kansas City area from as far as Minneapolis,
Denver, Dallas and Chicago.

To re-state what I posted on BL:

I think these "tourism experts" need to find new jobs lol. LLCA has trouble
getting people from as close as LA and SD to go to the park. The only reason out
of towners go there is because it makes for a nice side trip between their visit
to Disneyland and Sea World. It is bad enough that in the middle of the summer,
when theme parks are supposed to be packed LLCA is a ghost town for the most
part. I think on their (LLCA's) best day more people are standing in line for
Space Mountain at Disneyland than for all the rides at LLCA combined.

I would really hate to see a LL park fail, but if they build it in any other
location than the theme-park area in Florida or somewhere in New York it will
fall flat on its face - and do so very quickly. Heck, I think even a NY one
would fail because the park would have to be closed for a good part of the year
because of snow.

But hey - if they have a promobrick program then it can't be all that bad ;)


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Newswatch: Fifth Legoland Park in Kansas City area in 2009
(...) I think there is a good chance for it to succeed in the Kansas City area. If your target attendance is 1.4M a year (which the other 4 Legoland parks average), that is well within the realm of reason if you include everything within a day's (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to,, lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.legoland)
  Re: Newswatch: Fifth Legoland Park in Kansas City area in 2009
(...) Standing in line is not my idea of a fun vacation - especially with short attention span 4-12 year olds. If Legoland purposely cuts off attendance each day to insure small lines, charge a high gate fee, and can still make a profit, I think (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to,, lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.legoland)

Message is in Reply To:
  Newswatch: Fifth Legoland Park in Kansas City area in 2009
Exciting news for residents of the midwest United States! I read this in the 4/28/2006 Kansas City Star. "Joco" is the local shorthand for Johnson County KS: a very well-to-do, family oriented suburb on the western side of Kansas City,MO with (...) (19 years ago, 28-Apr-06, to lugnet.announce,,, lugnet.mediawatch) !! 

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