| | Re: LD's Auctions (Re: Going once, going twice, sold!)
| (...) I don't find it icky at all. I'm rather greatful to have an opportunity to buy one of the first numbered sets. What's wrong with that? KL (23 years ago, 3-Apr-02, to lugnet.lego.direct)
| |  | | Re: LD's Auctions - Super Chief
| (...) I agree with you Kevin. Considering how much money LEGO lost up through 2000, I think they deserve a chance to make an economic comeback by any methods necessary. After all, they are a business, and the purpose of a business is to make money. (...) (23 years ago, 4-Apr-02, to lugnet.lego.direct)
| |  | | Re: LD's Auctions - Super Chief
| (...) While the purpose of a business may be to make money (not the only purpose, but it doesn't matter), whatever LD makes from these auctions will hardly be a blip on their financial radar. It's more of a marketing stunt, allowing LD to expose (...) (23 years ago, 4-Apr-02, to lugnet.lego.direct)
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