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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 348
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Re: News from LEGO Direct
Fri, 23 Jun 2000 19:10:11 GMT
1027 times
In, Mike Walsh writes:
I have been swapping some e-mail with one of the folks at LEGO Direct and
they asked me to post the following on their behalf as one of their folks is
having trouble registering with LUGNET.  [...]

Steve H. accidentally signed up for LUGNET Membership...what he wanted was
actually simply news-posting access.  I talked with him on the phone and we
got it straightened out.  I don't know if he plans to try posting again in
the future but he mentioned that he was posting "for" or "in the absense of"
(I can't recall the details) Brad J., as Brad was out of town.

If you do happen to see posts in the future from

   Steve Hawko <>

rest assured that Steve is a real person and has been an employee at LEGO
for 14 years.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: News from LEGO Direct
(...) Oops, not _quite_. I spelled his last name wrong. That should say: Steve Hawco <> --Todd (...) (25 years ago, 23-Jun-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  News from LEGO Direct
I have been swapping some e-mail with one of the folks at LEGO Direct and they asked me to post the following on their behalf as one of their folks is having trouble registering with LUGNET. Mike ------ Hello, As you all are probably aware of by (...) (25 years ago, 23-Jun-00, to  

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