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Shipment delays
Sat, 29 Sep 2001 05:39:42 GMT
621 times
I'm just wondering....

I placed a large order a couple of weeks ago and I havent received it
yet. I called S@H and was told it was sent out on the 17th. It's been
12 days for a shipment that should take 4 to 6 days (according to the
S@H catalog).

Given that everything has slowed down after the attacks on the 11th, I
would expect the shipment to take longer than 6 days, but I'm starting
to wonder how long I should be waiting before worrying that it might
be lost?

To the people at S@H: Do you have any current experience as to how
long shipments to Ontario are taking these days? How long should I
wait before pushing the panic button?

Matthias Jetleb
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Shipment delays
(...) It takes about 9 days here ONCE it ships. They state in the catalog 7 to 10 days for BC. They mean WORKING DAYS and don't count the days until the order ships. I've noticed that no matter when I place an order it always goes out on a Thursday. (...) (23 years ago, 9-Oct-01, to

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