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Use of and lugnet.dear-lego
Newsgroups:, lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.admin.general
Sun, 4 Feb 2001 05:25:39 GMT
2359 times
I'd like to make a suggestion on the use of and
lugnet.dear-lego. Of late there has been much "debate" about whether TLC
is doing "the right thing" or not, or somewhere in between. While some
very legitimate concerns are getting raised, the tone and volume of the
discussion is such that I'm amazed that TLC employees are even reading

I'd like to suggest we make a real effort to use for
questions and problem reports and the like, and keep the discussion of
the merits of a given TLC effort or the latest sets to lugnet.dear-lego.

That's not to say that everything needs to be peachy nice. If you feel
that a particular set, for example, doesn't meet the expectations raised
by the catalog and/or box, then that is worth saying here. On the other
hand, if you just want to moan in general about how no set made more
recently than 19xx is worth your even purchasing on deep discount, then
think about what you're saying. Will anyone who reads it really get
anything out of it? Will TLC's employees just dismiss your complaint
because they have no idea how they could satisfy you (or it may be
impossible to do so given currently available resources [for example, if
all the molds for some 1960s part are long gone, the cost to start
manufacturing that piece again may be too high to be worthwhile]).

For my part, I'm encouraged that TLC is making serious attempts to
understand our community. It is obvious to me that TLC recognizes that
our overall impact on their bottom line is very significant. There are a
lot of reasons, some of which include:

- brand visibility by our presence at train shows and other "public"

- "ambassadors" - the fact that interested AFOLs may give information to
consumers in the store which leads the consumer to a purchase of a LEGO
branded product instead of something else.

- direct revenue impact (from the fact that we keep seeing huge
collections pop up on eBay and in other weird places, I suspect that
Lugnet only reaches about half the AFOL and older teen hobbyists who are
serious enough to spend big bucks).

To take up a day and a half of several senior folks (including one flown
in from Europe [though I'd be really impressed if the main reason Jorn
Kristian Thomsen was in the US was for the Train Summit - I'd guess that
even if the Train Summit prompted his trip, that he had other meetings
in the US]).

FUT: lugnet.admin.general


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Use of and lugnet.dear-lego
"Frank Filz" <> wrote in message (...) Putting 2 and 2 together, isn't it the New York Toy Fair this week? Presume that's why they were in town. Perhaps they are going to unviel some trains (...) (24 years ago, 4-Feb-01, to lugnet.trains)

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