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Re: new Technic product shown!
Newsgroups:, lugnet.technic, lugnet.year.2001
Sat, 9 Dec 2000 02:50:17 GMT
10681 times
In, Steve Chapple writes:
In, Ronald Vallenduuk writes:
Maybe they can look back at some of their own great history,
including original sets like 8425&8836(planes) or 8839(tugboat).

8425 and 8836?  Nah - the best Technic plane is <set:8855> IMO

I'll bet you a Technic piece of your choice that you won't be able
to order the parts for THAT one.  That prop attached to a gear piece
has to be one of the most rare pieces going.  (Name me something rarer.)

You are completely right about the Prop Plane <set:8855>. Not only is it the
the best Technic plane but it may be the best Technic set period. It is only
1 of 2 sets in my opinion that are perfect in both form and function.

The prop assembly was only available in that set, however it was also
available as a European Service Pack from the same time.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: new Technic product shown!
(...) 8425 and 8836? Nah - the best Technic plane is <set:8855> IMO I'll bet you a Technic piece of your choice that you won't be able to order the parts for THAT one. That prop attached to a gear piece has to be one of the most rare pieces going. (...) (24 years ago, 9-Dec-00, to, lugnet.technic, lugnet.year.2001)

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