Wait a Minute! (was: Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts)
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 18:47:39 GMT
10252 times
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Adrian Drake wrote:
> Let me be the first to say HOLY (expletive deleted for your protection)
> The ability to buy any piece in any quantity in perhaps any color is truly
> mindbendingly awesome. 2002 won't get here soon enough.
Wait a minute! Nowhere does the press release state that
you will be able to buy any piece in any quantity.
It states "bricks." I think what they mean by this is the
current bulk brick offerings. Maybe slightly augmented.
Kevin Zwicker suggested maybe 1000 pieces. That even seems
high to me. Maybe if the 1000 number included color variations.
I am long-range optimistic, but I really doubt that you will
be able to recreate a classic set such as the Yellow Castle
or the Galaxy Explorer and have the pieces arrive at your
door by 2002.
/Eric McC/
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 | | Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
| (...) Let me be the first to say HOLY (expletive deleted for your protection) The ability to buy any piece in any quantity in perhaps any color is truly mindbendingly awesome. 2002 won't get here soon enough. Wow. Adrian -- (24 years ago, 6-Dec-00, to
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