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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 1338
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Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 18:40:02 GMT
10652 times
"Fredrik Glöckner" <> wrote in message
"Tim Courtney" <> writes:

Hmm.  As I just finished posting, before readin this, :-)
would be great if this software could import DAT files and convert
them itself to the new format.  This would save a LOT of hassle
changing over the community's standard format if this software is
to replace LCAD.

I wonder if I have missed something important.  When I read the
information in the press release that people can use a free modeling
program to represent their model and then submit it to buy the parts
needed, I thought this program would be useable only as a tool to
indicate what parts would be needed.  Your post appears to indicate
that you think that this software may/will replace LDraw in all kinds
of aspects.  Is there any information present in the press release
that indicates that TLC are providing the community with a new, free
LEGO CAD system?

I don't believe you missed anything.  That was an assumption on my part of how
much potential I believe this system to have.  If indeed TLC comes out with a
better, more useful system than LCAD, people will switch to it, and gradually
LDraw, etc. will die out.

I don't know anything about their intentions with this software.

Perhaps you are right...this tool may be only useful for the feature of ordering
bricks and producing your 'set.'

It would be great if TLC, with their budget, were able to develop a full
replacement to the LCAD system - BECAUSE they have the potential to do it much
better than we do in our spare time, and have such allies as Autodesk, etc.  I
hope that they don't design just a kiddie version, but one that's in-depth
enough for the most advanced LCAD user out here.  Will it be worth it to them?
That's up to us to convince them of and for them to decide.

Perhaps I'm pessimistic, but I would be surprised if the provided
software would be useful for much more than composing a model from a
selected subset of LEGO parts and the submitting this to buy the parts
needed.  With some luck there will be a file format visible to the end
user which can be reverse engineered.

We all have reason to be pessimistic, but recently I think we have more reason
to be optimistic :-)  I want to see a top-notch CAD system for the AFOLs no
matter who makes it (well not Megabloks) - TLC or us.

BTW, you consistently post articles with lines wrapped, especially
quoted lines.  Do you think you can increase the line length in your
client to avoid this?  Or perhaps you can refill the paragraphs before
quoting them to avoid line wrapping?  Just a thought.

I hope this fixed it.  I don't know why I didn't take care of that sooner.

Tim Courtney - - Centralized LDraw Resources - Zacktron Alliance

ICQ: 23951114 - AIM: TimCourtne

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
Doesn't Lego already have their own LegoCAD software? I'm not sure what exactly it comprises or allows you to do, but it is a deritive of AutoCAD developed by Autodesk. It is available through DACTA and I'm sure is too expensive for an average user, (...) (24 years ago, 12-Dec-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts
(...) I wonder if I have missed something important. When I read the information in the press release that people can use a free modeling program to represent their model and then submit it to buy the parts needed, I thought this program would be (...) (24 years ago, 6-Dec-00, to

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