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 LEGO Company / LEGO Direct / 1337
    Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts —Eric Joslin
   (...) A BETAMAX format video of the vid clips? eric (24 years ago, 6-Dec-00, to
        Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts —Kevin Loch
   No, probably a Betacam SP format video tape. That's the most common (analog) professional video format. It uses Betamax form-factor tapes but the tape material, speed and format is completely different. KL (...) (24 years ago, 6-Dec-00, to
        Re: LEGO Company Welcomes Adult LEGO Enthusiasts —Eric Joslin
   (...) Uh. I was mostly joking. I haven't seen a BETAMAX tape since.... well, since the first place my family used to rent videos from, which was back in... crap. I dunno. '85? '86? I figured it was a marketing thing, though, since the main purpose (...) (24 years ago, 6-Dec-00, to

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