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 LEGO Company / Official LEGO Announcements / 34
  LEGO Media International launches first television programme at MIPTV 2001
taken from: (URL) Media International launches first television programme at MIPTV 2001 LEGO Media International (LMI), the new TV and film division of the world- renowned children’s brand, today premieres its first ever programme, Little Robots, at (...) (24 years ago, 7-Apr-01, to, lugnet.animation, lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.books, lugnet.general)  
  Re: LEGO Media International launches first television programme at MIPTV 2001
(...) mega snip Wow... it's been so long since I've seen either of those shows, but I grew up on them. Danger Mouse kicks butt and Count Duckula is hilarious! (24 years ago, 8-Apr-01, to

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