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Re: Announcing LEGO Ambassadors
Thu, 6 Jan 2005 14:38:53 GMT
6977 times
In, Jake McKee wrote:
   For more than a year, I’ve been working with colleagues and community members to develop a pretty cool new program. For the 4 years I’ve been at the LEGO Company, my task has been to work together with colleagues and fans to bridge the void between them. To try to connect colleagues with fans, and bring the fans into the company.

It’s working.

In fact, it’s working so well, that I’m getting a bit overwhelmed. You certainly recall that we invited a group of AFOLs into the LEGO Factory design process ( We’ve also invited groups of fans into a number of other projects in the last couple years, and in 2004 that number leap up. In 2005 it looks like that number is going to grow even further. Each time we work on one of these projects, it’s a new NDA. It’s a new selection of fans. It’s a new introduction into the company for them.

So in the last year, I’ve been asking myself: “What happens if we had a group of people who were already under NDA? What if there is a group of fan representatives that could work side-by-side with LEGO employees? What if that group of representatives is also able to bring up issues from the community directly with the right people in the company?”

So with extraordinary amounts of help from a group of AFOLs and support from many colleagues internally, the LEGO Ambassador Program was born.

The LEGO Ambassadors will be a small group of fans who have applied and been accepted into the program. They will represent the best and the brightest AFOLs on the planet. Sort of a Top Gun of LEGO! To help clarify, I’ve broken down some FAQs:

This seems like a great idea Jake!


   How many Ambassadors are there?
To start, the first cycle will be a smaller, “test” group of 10-15 Ambassadors. Once we’ve worked out the kinks in the first cycle, the program will be about 30-40 Ambassadors.

Please understand that this first cycle is the “guinea pig cycle”… we’ll likely find tons of problems (and hopefully matching solutions). But the first group of Ambassadors will be the trailblazers… and the road might be a little bumpy.

Is this worldwide?
Yes, this is a worldwide program. Of course, it’s based on applications and not recruitment, so if no one from South America applies, for instance, there’s no chance that South America will be represented. The goal is to have both the best talent from the community as well as a representative distribution among countries.

So an Ambassador represent a geographical area then? How would the number of Ambassadors be broken down, would it be one person in each major metropolitan area One in each country?

I know that probably details such as this have not been fully worked out yet, but I still wanted to ask...

Jeff VW


Jake McKee
Community Liaison
LEGO Community Development

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Announcing LEGO Ambassadors
(...) Sorry, clearly I didn't explain that one very well at all. What I was saying as a couple of things: 1. We're not "recruiting" for the Ambassador spots, so we're not going to be creating a fully geographically represented group of people. The (...) (20 years ago, 6-Jan-05, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Announcing LEGO Ambassadors
For more than a year, I’ve been working with colleagues and community members to develop a pretty cool new program. For the 4 years I’ve been at the LEGO Company, my task has been to work together with colleagues and fans to bridge the void between (...) (20 years ago, 6-Jan-05, to,, FTX) !! 

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