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Re: Video Clips
Wed, 5 Jan 2005 16:13:05 GMT
5582 times
Hm, I've saved the file twice, and both time Windows Media Player 9 said it was
corrupt.  Since I am running Win2K, I can't upgrade to WMP10.

I can play it by clicking the link, but I'd like to save it locally.


Calum Tsang wrote:

In, Jake McKee wrote:

In January of 2004, I put together an "internal roadshow" where I traveled to
a number of LEGO offices and introduced (and in some cases, re-introduced)
the AFOL to colleagues.

As part of this roadshow, I put together a number of materials (this is where
the AFOLs comic was born), including a pretty cool video montage of various
AFOL event clips. It was rough, and my video production skillz could be
better, but it got the job done. (I'd post it for you to see, but it's 60MB,
and I don't have a server to handle that bandwidth)

Jake has sent me the video to host for the community to see:

Check it out.


Tom Stangl
*DSM Visual FAQ home
*Prius Visual FAQ Home

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Video Clips
(...) No ideas--I d/l'ed it from the link (right click and all that) and it resides on my hd and works beautifully. If you wish, I can throw it up at my website and see if you have any betterluck Dave K (20 years ago, 5-Jan-05, to
  Re: Video Clips
"Tom Stangl, VFAQman" <> wrote in message (...) Try Using NetTransport to download it with: (URL) (20 years ago, 6-Jan-05, to
  Re: Video Clips
(...) I've got Win2K, did the right click and "save as", and it worked just fine. Hm...have you tried a divx player? I've used that before when a video wouldn't work--and the divx player played it just fine. -Scott Lyttle (20 years ago, 6-Jan-05, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Video Clips
(...) Jake has sent me the video to host for the community to see: (URL) it out. Calum (20 years ago, 4-Jan-05, to ! 

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