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Re: A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
Mon, 20 Dec 2004 22:19:54 GMT
10558 times
In, John M. Rudy wrote:

   I think this thread is a real eye-opener as to the nature of this community. Is this really where we’ve come

Oh come on now! What’s wrong with a civilized, lively debate? That’s what Lugnet is for, beside listening to wonderful news coming to us occasionally from THE MOUTH OF LEGO (imagine raving orcish minifig hordes in the background ...)*

Agreed, finally there always comes a point when everything’s said and done and everybody should move on ... However, your worries about the nature of this community are exaggerated. Just check the names of the most stubborn posters. John Neal, for example, pops up whereever you look. What keeps this debate going on is the tendency of some people to ignore facts and feel entitled to be totally indifferent or liberal, while at the same time being totally upset about others who have issues with beloved TLC. At that point we’re not dealing with toys anymore, but with positions, and sometimes things can turn ugly.

But so far this 10152-debate looks ok to me, from the peacekeeping point of view at least. It even gets lurkers out from under their rocks who would never ever deliberately post about anything ... ;)
  • watch the extended DVD edition of The Return of the King ....

Message is in Reply To:
  A Community Problem (Was: Re: 10152 Update)
(...) Thank You, Larry. I hate to add one more post to this thread, but feel the need. I totally agree with what you say about everyone just stopping. But, I think this thread is a real eye-opener as to the nature of this community. Is this really (...) (20 years ago, 20-Dec-04, to, lugnet.general, FTX)

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