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 LEGO Company / 1563
  Re: Request for Feedback - focused thread
(...) Priority for "old" colors * Baseplates (all varieties) crater plates if you've got 'em :-) * Train Track Priority for "new" color market saturation * Basic 1 x n plates * Basic 2 x n plates * Basic 4 x n plates * Basic 6 x n plates * Basic 1 x (...) (21 years ago, 7-May-04, to, lugnet.general)
  Re: Request for Feedback - focused thread
(...) I agree with this pretty much. If you're not going to have all the parts in the old colours there's not that many that are really needed in them. Getting as large a range of elements in the new colours is the priority. Tim (21 years ago, 7-May-04, to, lugnet.general)

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