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Re: Color Change - Final Update
Thu, 6 May 2004 10:14:11 GMT
678 times
Purple Dave wrote:

In lugnet.general, Jan-Albert van Ree wrote:
You can't simply "mix" ABS like that.

Yes you can.  It's done all the time.  Any color of ABS can be easily
recycled into black, because the carbon used to color it will overpower
any other dyes. Other colors are entirely dependant upon what you want to
recycle them into. You can't recycle blue into red, but you can recycle
many shades of red and/or
yellow into many shades of orange.  The key is that you need to know
exactly what color you're starting with, how much you've got of that
color, and exactly
which color you're going to produce (and you need to know that anyways).

I've been an intern for 4 months at a Dutch injection moulding company but I
never knew it was possible, apart from the black (as has been done for
years with car bumpers and such)

But unless you do this in HUGE quantities, how can you guarantee exact
colors such as with LEGO with each batch?
Jan-Albert van Ree   |
Brick Piles          | Santa Fe B-unit
GnuPG key            |

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Color Change - Final Update
(...) That's part of the problem. You do get much greater accuracy as you increase the size of the batch. It's also probably a lot easier to do with sheet extrusion than with injection molding, where you have a constant flow of a large amount of (...) (21 years ago, 6-May-04, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Color Change - Final Update
(...) Yes you can. It's done all the time. Any color of ABS can be easily recycled into black, because the carbon used to color it will overpower any other dyes. Other colors are entirely dependant upon what you want to recycle them into. You can't (...) (21 years ago, 6-May-04, to lugnet.general,

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