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Re: Color Change - Final Update
Thu, 6 May 2004 05:31:07 GMT
701 times
In lugnet.general, Aaron Muhl wrote:
What colors do you grind up and mix to get Purple Dave?

I'm actually quite partial to the standard LEGO purple, though I've noticed that
the Throwbot limbs aren't the same shade as all of the other pieces, and they've
used three slightly different shades of purple rubber (two shades for purple
Krana and another for Kraata).  The violet doesn't do much for me (it's too blue
for my tastes), and I'm waiting on an order of dark-purple so I can't comment on
that yet.  Sand-purple isn't bad, though, and trans-purple is quite pleasant
when backlit (it's a bit dark otherwise).  I even have custom-tinted sunglass
lenses that coincidentally turned out the same shade as trans-purple bricks (I
was actually hoping for a much redder tint like in an old pair of Lennons that I
used to wear).

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Color Change - Final Update
What colors do you grind up and mix to get Purple Dave? :D "Purple Dave" <> wrote in message (...) recycled (...) dyes. (...) into. (...) and/or (...) exactly (...) exactly (...) Once (...) (...) (21 years ago, 6-May-04, to lugnet.general,

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