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  Re: A sad day for BIP?
(...) I've gotten a number of emails from him in the last two days and am working on responding today. :) Jake --- jake AT countersinkdg DOT com Webmaster - BIP (URL) (18 years ago, 10-Apr-07, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish)
  Re: A sad day for BIP?
(...) interested in helping to this project, but he hasn't been able to contact you. He has a web for spanish AFOL's,, there you have contact info. Please let him know about what you think. Regards. (18 years ago, 10-Apr-07, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish)
  Re: A sad day for BIP?
(...) the growing of LEGO community, and your site has been a wonderful LEGO resourse. Hope somebody inherit your project, and luck with your work and so. Julen. (18 years ago, 10-Apr-07, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish)
  Re: A sad day for BIP?
It might be worth getting in touch With No Starch to get them to alter the link on their site (URL) put the book page back up again Tim (18 years ago, 7-Apr-07, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish)
  10183 Instructions from
If you have troubles downloading instructions for 10183 Hobby train, use this: copy/paste this into a file_with_urls.txt file, use wget or similar program to download them all (wget -i file_with_urls.txt) (2 URLs) this helps. Also: has anyone been (...) (18 years ago, 2-Apr-07, to lugnet.inst)
  Re: A sad day for BIP?
(...) It is time for me to propose an exam project for my students. Do you think 3-5 software engineering students might be able to design and implement a useful, stable BIP system in six weeks? (I think it might be possible.) I don't think we can (...) (18 years ago, 18-Mar-07, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish)
  Re: A sad day for BIP?
(...) Yes, the data all still exists. The biggest problem with the site, actually is the "health" of the database. It's ugly beyond words. A big part of what needs to happen for the future of the site is the rebuilding of the database in a format (...) (18 years ago, 22-Feb-07, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish)
  Re: A sad day for BIP?
IF the raw data/database contents are available, it's possible using some web agent code I use to interface with Wiki systems. NOT SAYING I COULD DO IT. But there might be a way to generate a huge set of web update screen interactions to convert it (...) (18 years ago, 22-Feb-07, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish)
  Re: A sad day for BIP?
I'd really like to see the site to continue! I remember the first time you encouraged me to add my Build-a-Bot instructions and I was so happy! Thank you! (18 years ago, 22-Feb-07, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish)
  Re: A sad day for BIP?
(...) Anything's possible :) Actually, that's a pretty dang smart idea. See, when I first created the site, I didn't want to create a scenario where people were seeing their content show up on the site without their explicit permission. But the (...) (18 years ago, 17-Feb-07, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish)

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