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 Instructions / 741 (-5)
  Re: A sad day for BIP?
Would it be possible to transfer the content to BrickWiki and not have to mess about with coding and maintaing a whole seperate site? (18 years ago, 17-Feb-07, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish)
  A sad day for BIP?
All, After something like 5 years I'm sad to announce my intentions to shut down the Building Instructions Portal (www.bricksonthebrai...ructions). Years ago when i first created the site I was a code newbie (although some may argue that I'm STILL a (...) (18 years ago, 17-Feb-07, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.general, lugnet.publish) !! 
  Re: Instruction Cross-reference updated
Hey. The instructions for 8674 doesn't work; the link that is. /bjorn (18 years ago, 7-Sep-06, to lugnet.inst)
  Re: New train set?
(...) Thanks for posting this! I was really hoping to find the basic my-own-train type engine, coach and caboose instructions in an easily printable PDF format. This is just what I needed! As for the quality, it is a bit saturated, and sections of (...) (18 years ago, 8-Aug-06, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.inst, FTX)
  Re: New train set?
(...) Saw it for sale yesterday in Legoland Billund. About 799 DKR. Jeroen (18 years ago, 3-Aug-06, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.inst, FTX)

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