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 Instructions / 731 (-5)
  New train set?
Well I just finished another (URL) update> to my Instructions cross-reference page, and came across (URL) this little gem>. Anybody seen this one before? ROSCO (18 years ago, 23-Jul-06, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.inst, FTX)  
  Instruction Cross-reference updated
Another update to my LEGO instructions cross-reference, find them (URL) here>. Highlights include: DUPLO: (URL) New Boats 7880, 7881> Bionicle: Lots, including (URL) Mini sets 7716-7719> Vikings: (URL) New battle sets, 7020 & 7021> Belville: (URL) (...) (18 years ago, 5-Jul-06, to lugnet.inst, FTX)  
  Re: PICSL at Peeron
(...) Ahem, sorry, I must be tired, that should be "". Stefan (18 years ago, 5-Jul-06, to lugnet.inst)
  Re: PICSL at Peeron
(...) You will probably get a response if you contact the people at Peeron directly with this error report instead of posting it on Lugnet News. Try "", the persons (person?) behind that address are usually very good with reading (...) (18 years ago, 5-Jul-06, to lugnet.inst)
  PICSL at Peeron
These instructions: (URL) all show (at least for me) the following text where images should be: Image not found This one works: (URL) examples above are the latest (last 4) updates to the PICSL. Does anybody know when this will be corrected? Thanks, (...) (18 years ago, 22-Jun-06, to lugnet.inst)

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