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 Instructions / 711 (-5)
  Re: Scanning HOWTO
(...) Perhaps a link in the as yet unwritten "scanning instructions" article on Brickwiki (now at a spiffy new URL: ?? (19 years ago, 13-Oct-05, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.publish)
  Re: Scanning HOWTO
(...) just uploaded a quick and dirty supplement to the 4551-1 "Crocodile Engine" instructions (containing one of the boxback alternates) hastly done on the scanner of a friend, I realise I need to redo this work some day. I would recomend to give (...) (19 years ago, 13-Oct-05, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.publish)
  BIP email problem fixed
Just a quick update - the Building Instructions Portal has been having a few problems with email lately. The basic problem was that both new user verification emails and forgotten password emails weren't being sent out. Everything's back in order (...) (19 years ago, 25-Sep-05, to lugnet.inst)  
  Catalog scans now online
I'm happy to announce that the Brickshelf Catalog scans are now online on PICSL. Check it out at (URL) while you're at it, submit new catalogs (and instructions scans)! (URL) always, any comments and suggestions are more than welcome! Dan and (...) (19 years ago, 13-Sep-05, to lugnet.announce.peeron, lugnet.db.scans, lugnet.inst, lugnet.publish) !! 
  Re: New style instructions, sets 8801 and 8802
(...) Parts lists have been included in selected Technic sets for several years. Although it's usually been at the back not the front... ROSCO (19 years ago, 6-Sep-05, to lugnet.year.2005, lugnet.general, lugnet.inst, FTX)

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