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 Instructions / 706 (-5)
  Re: New style instructions, sets 8801 and 8802
(...) The Creator and Designer sets have been doing that as well, with the piece inventories. I figured it's only a matter of time before they filtered to other themes. And TLC spiral bound the second run of ISD instructions too, I believe. Adrian (19 years ago, 6-Sep-05, to lugnet.year.2005, lugnet.general, lugnet.inst, FTX)
  ZRX1 Instructions -Preview-
Biomechanical Bricks - MC7 (URL) ZRX1> Instructions -Preview- (URL) if you can find the new "Things"!>> Many thanks to Kevin Clague! e (URL) (19 years ago, 6-Sep-05, to, lugnet.cad, lugnet.inst, FTX)
  Re: New style instructions, sets 8801 and 8802
(...) I think TLG have been listening. Inventories in instructions is something I've been asking for. I'm not sure how many more of us have been asking too. It's useful when you want to build the set again later because you can get a tray and select (...) (19 years ago, 5-Sep-05, to lugnet.year.2005, lugnet.general, lugnet.inst)
  New style instructions, sets 8801 and 8802
Hi, I just bought set 65767, a Knights Kingdom combo consisting of sets 8801 (Attack over the sea) and 8802 (Vladek's Sea Fortress), and to my big surprise, the design of the instructions have been changed. The first pages of the instructions now (...) (19 years ago, 5-Sep-05, to lugnet.year.2005, lugnet.general, lugnet.inst)
  Re: Crazy idea for third-party Factory-like service
(...) Heh...yeah, clearly it needs some updating. Honestly, I sorta lost interest when I couldn't get any feedback or help from Bricklink - that was the lynchpin in the system and without it, it was tough to make much more happen. Of course, that (...) (19 years ago, 29-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.inst, FTX)

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