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 Instructions / 701 (-5)
  Scanning HOWTO
Seeing that many enthusiast scans of Lego instruction sheets on PICSL and elsewhere on the Internet are sadly lacking in quality, I wrote this tutorial to explain how to do it right, and why: (URL) is a bit long (4 pages), but it's not dead simple (...) (19 years ago, 24-Jul-05, to lugnet.inst, lugnet.publish) ! 
  Re: Instructions Needed for 9725
"TJ Avery" <> wrote in (...) Here are a couple possibilities: (URL) watch the wrap on this one (URL) (19 years ago, 13-Jul-05, to lugnet.inst)
  Re: Instructions Needed for 9725
(...) Have them call Pitsco, the set is sold there: (URL) is an activity pack for this set as well: (URL) don't know if it contains building instructions for the basic 4 models. -Rob. XPost to .edu and .dacta (19 years ago, 12-Jul-05, to lugnet.inst,, lugnet.dacta)
  Instructions Needed for 9725
Howdy all, A teacher emailed me asking where she could find instructions for set: Amusement Park 9725. She has 5 of these sets, but no manuals. Can this be found online somewhere? Thanks for your help! best, TJ (19 years ago, 12-Jul-05, to lugnet.inst,, lugnet.dacta)
  new scans online
I have just finished updating my website (URL) instruction scans that aren't yet in the Brickshelf library The sets are: 157 Car Transport 211 small home 212 small home left 213 small home right 217 Service Station 232 Bungalow 250 Aeroplane and (...) (20 years ago, 24-May-05, to lugnet.inst)

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