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 Harry Potter / 415
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Re: Trapdoor on staircase?
Fri, 29 Jun 2001 20:02:58 GMT
836 times
Huw Millington wrote:

"Nick Cameron" <> wrote in message
If you havn't noticed, it looks like the first few steps on the staircase
are part of a trapdoor, so minifigs can fall to their doom. I forget, was
that in the book?

The staircases have dodgy steps that they have to remember to avoid stepping
on, although IIRC Ron often forgets.

I thought Neville Longbottom was the one who always forgot...

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Trapdoor on staircase?
"Nick Cameron" <> wrote in message (...) The staircases have dodgy steps that they have to remember to avoid stepping on, although IIRC Ron often forgets. [minor spoiler below] Also, Harry gets his (...) (24 years ago, 29-Jun-01, to lugnet.harrypotter)

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