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 Harry Potter / 174
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Re: new topic to discuss....
Sun, 13 May 2001 23:27:25 GMT
643 times
In lugnet.harrypotter, Kevin McMillin writes:
In lugnet.harrypotter, Benjamin Medinets writes:

What do you "expect" to happen in the next book....?

  Warning: Possible Spoilers!!!!

sorry no further lego to discuss......(at least not at the moment)

Here's my take:

In the book 4, we Voldemort get a get a new

we see the revitalization of his "Death Eaters"....

and then we see that Dumbledore has a get some allies together
to fight Voldemort and Death eaters....
we also see some "fore-shadowing" as Malfoy and his gang try to intimidate
Harry and friends.....
my take is as Voldemort starts to go on the offensive....starts to
terrorize Muggles, and Muggle-born Wizards/Witches, and Scrubs, and
Dumbledore and Gang try to stop him....the same similiar conflict will
happen within Hogwarts as Malfoy and gang do similar tactics in
the school vs. Ron, Hermione, and Neville....

whats your take on the situation....

Some interview transcripts with J.K. Rowling that I have read say Lupin from
Book 3 will play a large part, and there may be a return of the dementors.
Also, she says Arabella Figg may be the alias of Mrs. Figg from Book 1.


(Taken from )

"In book 5, we go into a whole new area, physically, an area you've never
seen before, a magical world" (1)
"What's very important for me is when Dumbledore says that you have to
choose between what is right and what is easy. This is the setup for the
next three books. All of them are going to have to choose, because what is
easy is often not right." (1)
"You'll be seeing Mrs. [Arabella] Figg in book five, and you'll find out all
about her." (2)
Harry will see him [the real 'Mad-Eye' Moody] in book five. (2)
Why do some wizards/witches become ghosts and others don't? "You will find
out much more about that in book five." (3)
There will be a female Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher. (3)
"You see Lupin in Book Five. Yes, you see a lot of old characters in Book
Five." (4)
Book five will be scary. Harry finds out a lot of things he hasn't stumbled
across so far. (4)
"The Dursleys are in the next book, and there's stuff coming with them that
people might not expect." (5)
"Ginny Weasley [little sister to Harry's best friend, Ron] will play more of
a role in Book Five." (5)
"In book five [Harry] has to examine exactly what death means, in even
closer ways." (6)
"Harry visits a few places that have been mentioned in the books, but we've
never got inside before. He visits places other than Diagon Alley and
Hogwarts." (7)

Footnote Key:
(1) Entertainment Weekly Interview, September 2000
(2) Chat, October 2000
(3) America Online Chat, October 2000
(4) BBC Interview, Fall 2000
(5) Philadelphia Inquirer Story, November 2000
(6) RadioCBC 'This Morning' Interview, October 2000
(7) BBC Newsround Interview, April 2001

nice bit of homework...I suppose...
anyways I was hoping that more people would add to the discussion....
the main thing I drew from some of her interviews is that
she is still in the "writing" stage of the book (V), and that
even though she has "mapped out the book", there are things that can
be subject to change if she gets an idea....

is there anybody else that care's to speculate the happenings....
or is the room content with a few hints dropped by the

Benjamin Medinets

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: new topic to discuss....
(...) Some interview transcripts with J.K. Rowling that I have read say Lupin from Book 3 will play a large part, and there may be a return of the dementors. Also, she says Arabella Figg may be the alias of Mrs. Figg from Book 1. Confirmed: (Taken (...) (24 years ago, 13-May-01, to lugnet.harrypotter)

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