| | Re: The LEGO Revival Survey
| I know this is posted to many many groups, but I really need people from all interests to help take this survey. There are so many members here at Lugnet yet I feared too few ever check the home page or .general. So, I plea with all of you to allow (...) (19 years ago, 22-Jul-05, to lugnet.general, lugnet.build, lugnet.castle, lugnet.market.theory, lugnet.pirates, lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.space, lugnet.starwars, lugnet.sports, lugnet.town, lugnet.trains, lugnet.western)
| | | | Re: New Book!!
| (...) Oh? I had no idea. ;-) Now to figure out a way to get it and read it without absorbing it all in one sitting. :-D. (19 years ago, 12-Jul-05, to lugnet.harrypotter)
| | | | New Book!!
| 3 Days 14 hours 15 minutes 41 seconds...Cant wait! just thought i would let you all know. :-D (19 years ago, 12-Jul-05, to lugnet.harrypotter)
| | | | Re: No HP Set Fans?
| (...) Thank you, Aaron. That's very sweet. Hugs, Shirley. (19 years ago, 4-Jul-05, to lugnet.harrypotter)
| | | | Re: No HP Set Fans?
| (...) Potterania is wonderful, Shirley. I've gotten lost for over an hour just browsing through your village at different angles. I find it inspiring. Keep building, and keep posting! Aaron (19 years ago, 24-Jun-05, to lugnet.harrypotter)
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