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 Harry Potter / *1496 (-10)
  Re: MINI Knight Bus! Shop-at-Home Kit K4751
(...) link? I logged off, tried accessing the home and shop page and can't seem to get to get anything to appear in English. I did find the set listed when I searched specifically for the item number but did then get, in English, the not available (...) (21 years ago, 10-Mar-04, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: MINI Knight Bus! Shop-at-Home Kit K4751
(...) This item cannot be found. Either it is no longer available or it does not exist. You can: • Try another selection • Try our Site Index • Search for your item here (URL) (21 years ago, 10-Mar-04, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  MINI Knight Bus! Shop-at-Home Kit K4751
Didn't know they'd be making a MINI scale Knight Bus! Check this out: (URL) D. (21 years ago, 10-Mar-04, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Shrieking Shack one-piece hut?
(...) Hmm, now that I look closer, 4753 Sirius Black's Escape also appears to have 2x tan and 4x gunmetal grey 4x4 macaronis. I also think I might see some light-bley ones around the cockpit and dorsal gun turret on the new Millennium Falcon. (21 years ago, 8-Mar-04, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Re: Shrieking Shack one-piece hut?
(...) Hi Tim, by building the new Harry Potter castle from the pictures available right now on the internet, I'm pretty sure there are also 4 of them in the new HP castle (4757). I've made use of the already available light gray round bricks See (...) (21 years ago, 8-Mar-04, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Re: Shrieking Shack one-piece hut?
(...) Right now the only confirmed pieces are 4x tan in #3579 NHL Street Hockey ($19.99 in May), but now that the mold has been tooled up, I'm sure more colors will become available. (21 years ago, 7-Mar-04, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Re: Shrieking Shack one-piece hut?
(...) What set/s are these in? Tim (21 years ago, 7-Mar-04, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Set Flyer from HP Knight Bus
(URL) (21 years ago, 27-Feb-04, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: HP Knight Bus - 4755
(...) You're right, I confused the engine cover one. (It was a quick inventory from the instructions on the train this morning!) (...) Agreed again. I though they were easy to follow though (important for the kids who build!) William (21 years ago, 27-Feb-04, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Shrieking Shack one-piece hut?
(...) That's exactly what it does. You're supposed to just slap the thing down over top of the chosen minifig, press the button, quickly lift the shack away, and leave the other minifig/dog/whatever standing exactly where the original minifig was. (...) (21 years ago, 27-Feb-04, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)

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