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 Harry Potter / *1430 (-10)
  Re: Harry Potter 3
(...) that sucks!!!! they arent gonna match my old ones and i have every set ever made (21 years ago, 19-Jan-04, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Harry Potter 3
LEGO Life "it has been decided the figures produced under licence should look even more like their original characters. It will mean, for example, that figures in HP sets will change their skin colour to a more natural shade in 2004" (21 years ago, 19-Jan-04, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Harry Potter 3
(...) great do you have pics? i want to work there:( !!!! (21 years ago, 19-Jan-04, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: Harry Potter 3
(...) Yes, Jeff, I have noticed. Have no fear, I know these sets are coming out. There's more in fact then there was posted on Toywiz. There will be keychains too. I work at a Lego store. Jeanne (21 years ago, 18-Jan-04, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Harry Potter 3
Did anyone notice that the pictures of the new sets arent there anymore? (URL) hate the gray change!) (21 years ago, 16-Jan-04, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: We Must Save Harry!
(...) Jeanne, Don't worry, Harry Potter is not dead. See this post by Jake McKee (LEGO representative): (URL) (21 years ago, 13-Jan-04, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  We Must Save Harry!
I've read that Lego is thinking of making away with Harry. Please all fans out there, write to Lego & let them know WE WANT HARRY TO STAY!!! They complain about profit loss, can't be true, they just opened our Lego store in Nov.! Please write to (...) (21 years ago, 9-Jan-04, to lugnet.harrypotter)
  New 2004 Sets!
(...) Hey thanx Jeff! (URL) this and the new rainbow Knights, the world of Castle will never look the same! (URL) from Harry being a flesh tone (which blew my mind) the toga statue figure is really great! O.k. this set just looks like fun: (URL) a (...) (21 years ago, 4-Jan-04, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.harrypotter, lugnet.general, lugnet.year.2004)
  Re: HP new sets ???????
(...) -- Pawel (21 years ago, 4-Jan-04, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.harrypotter)
  Re: HP new sets ???????
(...) heres some pictures of the new sets. (URL) hut has a real roof! (21 years ago, 4-Jan-04, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.harrypotter)  

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