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 Harry Potter / *1325 (-5)
  Re: MOT (My Own Theme): Chemistry Grad School
(...) That's generally true in chemistry as well. This is my ideallized chemistry department. Bruce (22 years ago, 9-Apr-03, to lugnet.harrypotter,
  Re: MOT (My Own Theme): Chemistry Grad School
(...) Well, I didn't have anywhere else to put the magician, of course. :) Actually, when my SO's research wasn't going well, she wanted a magic wand to make a reaction work. Hence the magician. Bruce (22 years ago, 9-Apr-03, to lugnet.harrypotter,
  Re: MOT (My Own Theme): Chemistry Grad School
(...) Sorry, this is a well trained monkey. He goes down and uses the bathroom like everyone else. (...) He's not all that safe, though: (URL) (22 years ago, 9-Apr-03, to lugnet.harrypotter,
  Re: MOT (My Own Theme): Chemistry Grad School
(...) Um, yeah, me neither . . . (...) The bathroom design owes a lot to Drew Dirschell: (URL) I got the "Troll on the Loose" set my SO complained that there was no toilet. I had recently seen Drew's work, so I built the stall. Later I incorporated (...) (22 years ago, 9-Apr-03, to lugnet.harrypotter,
  Re: MOT (My Own Theme): Chemistry Grad School
Hi the chalkboard comes from an HP set: Hogwarts Classroom 4721. (URL) hope that helps. Ben (...) (22 years ago, 9-Apr-03, to lugnet.harrypotter,

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