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Re: LEGO museum in Ohio?
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general
Tue, 30 May 2023 03:00:57 GMT
97 times
In, James Trobaugh wrote:
   I ran across this listing on eBay:

Lego museum. DISPLAY, Statue, and DONATIONS NEEDED

We are going to open a LEGO museum. We need TONS of blocks, displays, and any other lego “stuff” we can come up with. Presenters gain a place in HISTORY. We are selling space on a Plaque that will be put on the front of the building, as well as smaller plaques that will be put in front of individual display items. We are also purchasing LARGE amounts of special items for this project. Those people will not be included in the plaques, but will be put in a buying bio at the computer room (lego games a’ running). We will have a web sight in the NEAR future, and we already have purchased the building (old school house, 36,000 sq.) so we have all the room in the world to do this.

Anyone know anything about this? I’d like to hear more if so.

I stumbled upon this very cool museum a few weeks ago, while traveling for work. They hadn’t yet opened for the season, but luckily my job brought me back to the area a week later, and I was able to take a sprinting tour on my lunch break.

Tons of very cool displays spanning many decades, with an interesting evolution of building styles and parts along the way.

Also, I’m happy to report, the site has a friendly attitude toward competitor brick toys and actually has a number of official Mega sets on display.

I’ll definitely had back for a longer tour when I get the chance, but I was delighted to find this place totally by accident!


Message is in Reply To:
  LEGO museum in Ohio?
I ran across this listing on eBay: (URL) museum. DISPLAY, Statue, and DONATIONS NEEDED > We are going to open a LEGO museum. We need TONS of blocks, displays, and any other lego "stuff" we can come up with. Presenters gain a place in HISTORY. We are (...) (20 years ago, 24-Jan-05, to, lugnet.general, FTX)  

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