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Re: Alternate model for 8271
Mon, 24 Nov 2008 15:14:34 GMT
8198 times
In lugnet.announce.moc, Anders Isaksson wrote:
I recently bought a 8271 just because I met Natanael Kuipers during our
LEGO-meet here in Eskilstuna last month, and this set was his first design
for LEGO (and the cheapest one). I even got his signature on the building

The original model is ok, but I decided a wanted a racer instead. IMO, it
turned out ok, albeit a bit flimsy (but you don't see that in the photo):

and no, the steering wheel is not connected to the steering :-(

Hi Anders,

Nice work! I already noticed your model on brickshelf earlier. Actually my first
LEGO project was the 8674 Ferrari F1, but this wheel loader is indeed much more
affordable! ;-)
I've seen quite a few alternatives now for this set and yours is a nice
Pity that the steering wheel is not connected though...


Message is in Reply To:
  Alternate model for 8271
I recently bought a 8271 just because I met Natanael Kuipers during our LEGO-meet here in Eskilstuna last month, and this set was his first design for LEGO (and the cheapest one). I even got his signature on the building instructions! The original (...) (16 years ago, 23-Nov-08, to lugnet.announce.moc)

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