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Re: Ceramic LEGo items from LEGO Japan information
Sun, 9 Dec 2007 23:32:27 GMT
7964 times
This has nothing to do with the Danish Toy Factory.

Lego Imports-Goldman Morgan Lego Imports-Goldman Morgan’s name represents a fusion of the first and last name of the company’s president: Leo Goldman. Based in New York, the manufacturer is known for distributing a variety of collectibles, including bar accessories, figurines, and mugs. The company’s head vases feature a paper label that reads: “Fine Quality Lego Japan.”

best regards, Jan.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ceramic LEGo items from LEGO Japan information
(...) Thanks for the info, Jan! How was this company able to use the LEGO logo (circa 1950's to 60's) on their products? Dave K (17 years ago, 10-Dec-07, to lugnet.general, FTX)

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  Ceramic LEGo items from LEGO Japan information
Merry Christmas all! (URL) So this might not look immediately like LEGO, but the bottom says it is (URL) I've been wondering if anyone has any more information on the history of LEGO Japan (looking Gary's way :) ) and if there's an 'inventory' of (...) (17 years ago, 9-Dec-07, to lugnet.general, FTX)

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