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 General / 52958
    Re: Hey, BrickShelf-users, seen this? —Harri Manni
   (...) I totally agree! .BMP should be banned everywhere. About large pictures (not large in file size), it's might be ok in some cases when you want to show something extra but not on ALL the pictures! There's actually free software out there that (...) (19 years ago, 4-Sep-06, to lugnet.general)
        Re: Hey, BrickShelf-users, seen this? —Timothy Gould
   (...) It could even be done at the Brickshelf end (and already is for the thumbnails). Tim (19 years ago, 4-Sep-06, to lugnet.general)
        Re: Hey, BrickShelf-users, seen this? —Johannes Koehler
   Hello! (...) I'm sure quite a lot of people who send up uberbig pictures got the impression BrickShelf DOES resize them. At least it seems to do, in that it compresses the dimensions of the 2000×1000px pix so that they fit into the 800×600px screen. (...) (19 years ago, 4-Sep-06, to lugnet.general) ! 

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