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Re: 10177: UCS Boeing 787 Dreamliner!
lugnet.general, lugnet.modelteam,
Thu, 24 Aug 2006 06:04:18 GMT
23861 times
In lugnet.general, Paul S. D'Urbano wrote:
Okay, so I think this is really neat:

Steve Witt announced this on

1197 pieces, 66 cm long with a wingspan of 69 cm
due out this summer

It doesn't look like they're officially calling it "UCS" although one look at
the display stand and you'll agree the title definitely applies.

It's really cool to see them apply the UCS concept outside of Star Wars (as much
as I also love the Star Wars UCS stuff, of course).  On more than one occasion
I've suggested something like "UCS 747" in those AFOL surveys they have from
time to time.  I'm sure many others suggested the same thing, too.  It's nice to
see ideas like that come to life.

My question for Steve, if he reads this, is if the set includes landing gear?
It's not shown in the pictures, which makes me suspect it doesn't, but it would
be really cool if it does.

-Paul D.

I just picked this set up at my local LEGO® store. Its a cool set and was fun to
build. I do have some small grips with the nose and the fact that LEGO® removed
the second color from the jet.

That is a link to some artist drawings of the 787 from the Boeing site. As you
can see there is a lighter blue on top of the blue. This is not present in the
LEGO® model. Also you can see with the blue cone on the nose it doesnt look
anything like the real aircraft. But these are small grips. If I take the time I
am sure I could tweak the model to look more like the actual aircraft. It would
be fun to try to rebuild this model in a current airline colors scheme.

Also this set does not come with any landing gear.


Message is in Reply To:
  10177: UCS Boeing 787 Dreamliner!
Okay, so I think this is really neat: (URL) Witt announced this on (URL) pieces, 66 cm long with a wingspan of 69 cm due out this summer It doesn't look like they're officially calling it "UCS" although one look at the display stand and you'll agree (...) (19 years ago, 25-Jul-06, to lugnet.general, lugnet.modelteam, ! 

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