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Re: New Batman Mini-Movie - Trailer Available
Tue, 25 Apr 2006 17:22:17 GMT
1913 times
In lugnet.general, Kelly McKiernan wrote:
   Remember that “LEGO Star Wars” mini movie from a while ago? Batman gets the same treatment on April 29th, with a LEGO Batman adventure airing just before Cartoon Network’s Toonami programming block. And to give a little taste of what it’s like, TLG has provided a 3MB, 30-second trailer. I’ve uploaded the trailer to one of my servers, click below to view it.

(For newsreaders:)


P.S. - I like the scene with the missiles, myself...

Cool! It looks like it will be guite good. I can’t wait to see the full length version!

I am guite please by the fact they kept the mini-fig heads true to the ones in the sets. The way they made the heads in the Star Wars mini-movie really creeped me out. It was very odd they chose to do that. I really couldn’t focus on the movie every time they showed one of the mis-shaped, black souless eyes, nose-less creatures.... (Shudder!).

Thanks for the link!


Message is in Reply To:
  New Batman Mini-Movie - Trailer Available
Remember that "LEGO Star Wars" mini movie from a while ago? Batman gets the same treatment on April 29th, with a LEGO Batman adventure airing just before Cartoon Network's Toonami programming block. And to give a little taste of what it's like, TLG (...) (19 years ago, 25-Apr-06, to lugnet.general, FTX)  

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