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Re: LEGO® Blocked by Best-Lock
Followup-To:, lugnet.general
Tue, 11 Oct 2005 13:22:51 GMT
4899 times
In lugnet.mediawatch, Abner Finley wrote:

LANCASHIRE, U.K.--(CCNMatthews - Oct 11, 2005)

LEGO® Blocked by Best-Lock

LEGO Suit against Best-Lock Europe LTD Dimissed in Final Ruling by German
Appelate Court (Oberlandesgericht Hamburg) and in Regards to Brick Trademark

The Appellate Court of Hamburg dismissed a suit by LEGO Company toward Best Lock
(Europe) Ltd. that allows no further appeal by LEGO. Regarding a trademark of a
three dimensional 2 x 4 pin standard building brick, the decision is postponed.
The trademark has been cancelled in Alicante (European Trademark Office) as well
as in Germany at the DPMA (German Trademark Office), but both cases are still
pending as LEGO appeals.

"On behalf of the toy industry, we tenaciously undertook this initiative in 1998
to have a fair and competitive opportunity to sell our products in Germany. LEGO
has been a less than friendly player in the toy market," says Torsten Geller,
Best-Lock's CEO. "The court has ruled on the case in a clear and positive

Best-Lock does not produce nor sell the part in question - a 2 x 4 pin standard
brick. Interestingly, the brick was patented in 1947 by an English inventor Mr.
Harry Fisher Page, a child psychologist with no connection whatsoever to LEGO.

"Best-Lock will continue to defend its position and protect its retailers and
business partners in Germany. We see no reason why this decision would be
reversed," states Ali Beyazbayrak, Best Lock's COO.

Best-Lock, a privately owned company founded in 1997, sells its products in 36
countries. The company has offices in the United States, Canada, Europe and

Best-Lock Europe Ltd. received a final and favorable approval of its legal case
at the Appellate Court following a ruling by the Supreme Court in its favor
reversing a 40-year German monopoly for LEGO. The German courts will allow no
further appeal by LEGO and Best-Lock is now free to market its building block
sets in Germany.

-end of report-

This is good news!  I can’t think of a single reason why any company should be
empowered to dictate which competitors are and are not allowed into the market,
so this victory will benefit consumers and competitors alike.

Besides which, anyone familiar with Best-Lock knows that it’s only obliquely
compatible with LEGO, and even the casual consumer has little difficulty in
distinguishing one brand from the other.

Thanks for the article!


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LEGO® Blocked by Best-Lock
(...) <snip> (...) It's interesting that the Best-Lock logo uses their version of a 1 x 6 brick, not a 2 x 4 brick design. Did they change from a 2 x 4 logo during the course of this suit? Lego used to use the 2 x 4 as part of the "SYSTEM" logo, but (...) (19 years ago, 11-Oct-05, to, lugnet.general)

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