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Re: LEGO Vikings on TRU "Hottest Toy" list for 2005
Fri, 23 Sep 2005 18:59:30 GMT
2847 times
In lugnet.general, Kelly McKiernan wrote:
Ah, the sweet smell of vindication...

Toys 'R Us just released their annual list of hottest new toys for the 2005
holiday shopping season, and there are 14 toys listed, including the 7019 LEGO®
Vikings Fortress set ( The funny
thing is, it's not currently available in the US, at least through S@H, although
TRU is due to get the Vikings as an "exclusive" (for brick-n-mortar stores, not
counting LEGO stores) sometime in October.

Ever since we first saw these Viking sets, I've been positive they'll be a hit.
I'm very glad they'll see some release in at least most countries.

(I was fortunate enough to score a 7016 Viking set during the Dirty Brickster
event at BrickFest, brought over the pond by Erik Brok. My kids love it.)

My local TRU had a dome-covered display of the Lego Vikings line, and here are
some thoughts:

Long-bodied, articulated dragons?  Gee, what an innovation!  I can't imagine where they got that idea.  But I'll tell you this:  if Mega Bloks had embraced elements of an existing LEGO line as closely as LEGO has now done *TWICE* for Mega Bloks, the bulk of the AFOL crowd would be outraged!   Way to innovate, LEGO!

And here's a missed opportunity—LEGO could have been the first toy in modern history (Mega Bloks included) to defy the "horned helmet" myth long-attached to Vikings, but instead they played to stereotype.   Nicely done!

And catapults?


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  LEGO Vikings on TRU "Hottest Toy" list for 2005
Ah, the sweet smell of vindication... (URL) 'R Us just released their annual list of hottest new toys for the 2005 holiday shopping season, and there are 14 toys listed, including the 7019 LEGO® Vikings Fortress set ((URL) The funny thing is, it's (...) (19 years ago, 23-Sep-05, to lugnet.general, lugnet.mediawatch)

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