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3 versions of 30361 2x2x2 Robot Body
lugnet.general, lugnet.cad,
Wed, 23 Mar 2005 02:10:31 GMT
5574 times
I haven’t seen it noted anywhere before, but there seem to be 3 different molds used to make functionally different versions of this part, the 2x2x2 round robot body (R2-D2 body):

The difference is in how the center hole at the bottom of the part is treated:

  • Type 1: The hole is a simple tube (this is the official L-Draw part),

  • Type 2: The hole is a Technic cross axel receptor, old type, lined up so that the + of the axel points to the spaces between the studs, like a “+”.

  • Type 3: The hole is a Technic cross axel receptor, new type, lined up so that the + of the axel points 45 degrees off center, at the center of the studs, like an “X”.

Obviously you can build different things with the different versions of this part - has anyone noticed this before and/or have any idea what sets have what versions?

-Matt :)

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: 3 versions of 30361 2x2x2 Robot Body
Matt, Do you have pics of the other types? Meanwhile, I'm going to search my stuff (or rather, my 9 year old will do it for me) to see how many I have of each type. James Wilson Dallas, TX (20 years ago, 23-Mar-05, to, FTX)
  Re: 3 versions of 30361 2x2x2 Robot Body
(...) Matt, I've incountered the later two at about a year ago. I was mounting 4 in black of these on axels, and one was rotated 45 degrees. I never checked for part numbers. Mat (20 years ago, 23-Mar-05, to, FTX)

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