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Re: An alternative open letter to the CEO of the LEGO Company
lugnet.color, lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.general
Thu, 20 Jan 2005 08:46:01 GMT
90 times
In lugnet.color, Richard Noeckel wrote:
In lugnet.color, Bob Hayes wrote:
In lugnet.general, William R. Ward wrote:
To Mr. Jørgen Vig Knudstorp
CEO of LEGO Company


Keep up the good work, and please let us know if we can help!

The letter that Ben presented is trying to send a real message.  This one is
just an amazing suck up!!

Did you apply to be a "Lego Ambassador"?

I have to go throw up now.

I have to agree with Bob here...
Y'know, sometimes the consumers know better than the management William!
That, and your whole brown-nosing here smells like @$$

I'm not brown-nosing.  I'm just disgusted with the way some so-called Adult fans
of LEGO act like three-year-olds when the company makes a change they don't
agree with.

What's so productive about giving TLG praise?
They're a company, they don't need thank-you's, they need capital to get outta
the red. Therein, the criticisms are actually more productive for them than the
'you're the best tlc!"

Yeah, they're a company that needs to focus on its core business - selling toys
to kids.  Messing around with AFOL's is a waste of their time.  No way are
AFOL's going to have any measurable effect on the bottom line, grey or no grey.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: An alternative open letter to the CEO of the LEGO Company
(...) And your actions, kissing their hindquarters vociferously, will somehow tell them when they might have done something that has upset their paying customers? ENOUGH of the puckering up, Bill. (...) 5% is 5%. If you as a CEO piss off 5% of your (...) (20 years ago, 21-Jan-05, to lugnet.color, lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: An alternative open letter to the CEO of the LEGO Company
(...) I have to agree with Bob here... Y'know, sometimes the consumers know better than the management William! That, and your whole brown-nosing here smells like @$$ What's so productive about giving TLG praise? They're a company, they don't need (...) (20 years ago, 20-Jan-05, to lugnet.color, lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.general)

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