Re: Perspective
Sun, 11 Jul 2004 02:43:32 GMT
2123 times
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Damn, Duq!
You come along and make me feel like such a big baby! Here I am crying over
the color change and you just pop my little bubble of sentimentality with
the rusty edge of reality! No fair!!
Seriously, I totally feel where you're coming from. My perspective has been
bothering me lately. On the one hand I feel like I've become too wrapped up
my hobby and forgetting that many others' hobby is just staying alive! But
then I remember how lucky I am to have this hobby and having been an active
participant in it for almost thirty years, the color change still cuts deep.
However, I wonder if it hasn't come along at this time to remind me that
there are things more important than little plastic bricks. THEN I remember
that Lego is my refuge from a world that's often harsh, cruel, and
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's a fanboy to do?!
I've decided re-christen myself "DinosaurDave." This nom de plume will
reflect my wistful feelings about days gone by and give me an excuse to be
all curmudgeonly whenever someone says that the new colors "aren't that
Watch out! My fetid teeth will find all you new-color-lovers and chew your
sinews with bloodthirsty delight!
"Duq" <> wrote in message
> Tonight I've been watching 'Sport Relief' on the BBC. For those of you
> who don't know the program: it's a fund-raising event where all sort
> of celebrities do sport-related stuff to raise money for various
> projects. And of course they show those projects.....
> In Peru children as young as 4 work in quarries, in India the 'Railway
> children' are children who have left their families because their
> parents couldn't afford to keep them. They live from what they find in
> and around trains. In Africa babies are born HIV positive, often
> orphaned shortly after birth.
> And here we are, bitching and moaning about the shade of grey of our
> beloved toys.....
> Duq
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Perspective
| Tonight I've been watching 'Sport Relief' on the BBC. For those of you who don't know the program: it's a fund-raising event where all sort of celebrities do sport-related stuff to raise money for various projects. And of course they show those (...) (21 years ago, 10-Jul-04, to lugnet.general)
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