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Re: Bricklink down ?
Sat, 3 Jul 2004 13:48:10 GMT
2645 times
In lugnet.general, Vincent Demmink wrote:
Does anybody know if bricklink is down and how long things will take to get
bricklink up again ?


Vince, The Netherlands

   I think it's down--it has been for several hours,
   and I am in the UK.  Given Dan some time, I am sure
   that he is aware of the problem, and is working on
   it (or else chose this time to perform upgrades/

   all best


   (Vraagje: wat bedoelt "Regs?")

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Bricklink down ?
(...) Thanks ! Since I didn't find any news on lugnet, I was wondering if it was me ...:-) I'll wait and hope Dan isn't stressed out. Regards (as in slang "Regs"...dutch), Vince (21 years ago, 3-Jul-04, to lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  Bricklink down ?
Does anybody know if bricklink is down and how long things will take to get bricklink up again ? Regs, Vince, The Netherlands (21 years ago, 3-Jul-04, to lugnet.general)

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