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Re: a Space bucket, what should be in it?
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.general
Sat, 8 May 2004 16:09:24 GMT
111 times
In, Jonathan Wilson wrote:
Lets work out (as a community of Space builders) what should be in a Space
bucke. Something that we would buy but also something that the next
generation of Space builders (and their parents) will be interested in.

More greebles, plates, wedge slopes, slopes, rare computer pieces, whatever the
rest of you want, but most importantly, less space.

Peace and overflowing tubs,

Professor Whateverly

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  a Space bucket, what should be in it?
Lets work out (as a community of Space builders) what should be in a Space bucke. Something that we would buy but also something that the next generation of Space builders (and their parents) will be interested in. (21 years ago, 8-May-04, to,, lugnet.general)

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